DeFAF in a nutshell

Founded in 2019 as registered non-governmental not for profit organisation the German Agroforestry Association (DeFAF) committs to the establishment, management, dissemination and promotion of agroforestry systems in Germany. From 2020 DeFAF is member and German representative of the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF).  

DeFAFs main aim is to integrate all formats of agroforestry into agricultural practice in Germany. DeFAF holds agroforestry land use as a promising and forward-looking instrument for making a significant contribution to protecting the climate, soil and water as well as promoting biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and animal welfare. It considers agroforestry to be a suitable cultivation system for better adapting agricultural production to the changing climate conditions. 

DeFAF creates knowledge, educates and elaborates tools and innovative strategies for agroforestry for a sustainable development of rural and urban landscapes, farms, businesses and communities facing major challenges of socio- demographic, technological and climate change. 

DeFAF coordinates a network of stakeholders and sees itself as a contact and information point and education think tank for people interested in agroforestry. It aims to strengthen the knowledge transfer between practice and science and to build and expand bridges to political decision-makers. It also endeavours to collaborate and network with other professional and interest groups as well as authorities, local authorities and scientific institutions.